This resource outlines the current recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination in Canada. Despite the lower number of cases in the summer, COVID-19 remains a significant cause of hospitalizations, with resurgences in the fall and winter. Annual vaccinations are recommended for the general population, with additional doses for high-risk groups. The guide emphasizes the importance of ongoing preventive measures such as handwashing and staying home when ill.

In addition to the individual health benefits, workplace vaccination programs are essential for preserving productivity and minimizing financial losses. For instance, without such initiatives, an average US company with 10,000 employees saw around 18,175 days lost to COVID-19, which led to an estimated $5.08 million in productivity losses. By implementing a workplace vaccination program with a goal of 70% vaccination coverage, businesses were able to reduce these lost days to 3,132. This reduction resulted in savings of $876,453 in lost productivity and $240,633 in medical expenses for employers. Employees also experienced significant benefits, saving $182,196 in medical costs and $198,250 in lost wages. This highlights the substantial benefits of workplace vaccination in improving both economic performance and health outcomes.

Refer to the fact sheet below for more information.

We empower employers, benefits advisors, and employees with comprehensive resources and tools to foster a healthier workplace through health and wellness strategies such as vaccination programs.

This site was developed by 19 to Zero using funding provided by GSK, Merck, and Pfizer.

Website by 19tozero
